How to become a mobeefox reseller
1How to become a reseller
Devenez revendeur en souscrivant en ligne l’option revendeur. Attention pour devenir revendeur il vous faut obligatoirement nous retourner le contrat revendeur dument complété et signé, votre règlement d’abonnement annuel revendeur, votre Kbis de moins de 3 mois, les informations demandées lors de votre inscription ainsi que vos coordonnées complètes (SIRET, N° TVA intracommunautaire). Vous ne deviendrez partenaire qu’après validation par nos services.
Vous devez soit commander une télé-formation mobeefox (150€HT) ou vous abonner pour un an minimum à l'option "Service Assistance".
With the reseller option you get:
1- A reseller admin access,
2- A reseller code that you can give out to your clients that already have a mobeefox subscription so that they may give you full access to their account,
3- Full priority assistance through our online contact form,
4- Reseller prices and rebates on volume.
Only available with a Premium subscription.
2What kind of clients can I follow?
You can follow two types of clients : associated clients and direct clients.
Each client type has it's own admin process and can be followed in your reseller admin back office.
3What's an associated client ?
An associated client already has a premium account and pays a subscription directly to mobeefox.
You give them your reseller code (located right on your admin screen), they add you using the code.
You then have full access to their account and can modify their mobeesites.
You cannot create new mobeesites for them as the client has to order them directly to mobeefox.
This type of client can also choose to dissociate you from their account.
You propose counseling, training, graphic design, strategic advice...
4What is a direct client ?
A direct client is created by you. They don't already have a mobeefox subscription. You create their account and invoice the client directly.
You can transfer one or more created mobeesites to their account which you can modify and delete at will.
You can't transfer a mobeesite from their account to yours.
This type of client can only buy mobeesites through you.
Ce client ne peut acquérir des mobeesites qu’uniquement par votre biais.
You propose a subscription fee as well as counseling, training, graphic design, strategic advice...
Un client créé ne peut devenir client associé et vice versa.
5Ordering mobeesites
You order mobeesites online that you can use for yourself or sell to clients.
Please read chapters "subscribing, how to create a premium mobeesite, premium options, etc."
Your admin space does not allow you to create or follow invoices.
It's up to you to use your own system.
The mobeesites you buy and/or re-sell from our platform are to be bought be you online and you will receive invoices on our behalf that you will find in your admin space in PDF format.
7How to get started
You can start by sending us your signed reseller contract (you will find it in your account once you have subscribed to the reseller option). Do not forget to include your payment, company incorporation proof and other requested documents and also make sure you have subscribed to at least one premium annual subscription and the reseller option. Once we have endorsed your request, you can follow your associated clients and create direct clients.
By ordering further options, mobeesites will be enriched with more functionalities (see options chapter).
You can subscribe to more mobeesites that you can sell to your clients all,g with your services.
8What are my contractual obligations ?
Please refer to reseller contract that you have signed as well as General conditions of Use and Sale that can be found on our website www.mobeefox.eu.
The entirety of your obligations is comprised within these two documents.
Your clients must accept the general conditions of use and sale as presented on our website www.mobeefox.eu, before they can use their mobeesites.
9How are mobeesites counted ?
Total amount of mobeesites that you have subscribed to, minus those in your account and those you have transferred to direct client accounts.
10Ordering options for my mobeesites and those of my direct clients
The quantity to order of each option is automatically equal to the global number of mobeesites that you have ordered.
However, from 11 mobeesites upwards, the option fee is limited to 10 for the same option (ex.: you have 13 mobeesites with a pop-up option, you only pay 10 pop-up options).
If one of your direct clients asks you for an option that you haven't subscribed to, you will have to subscribe to it following the aforementioned indications.
This can represent a significant budget compared to what you expect to generate in sales. If you do not want to pay too many options, a solution is that this new customer orders directly online to mobeefox, in order to be an "associated" client. It's up to you to anticipate their needs because a direct client can not become an associated customer.
Each option is still a tremendous potential for new services for you and your customers.