Managing my mobile app categories
1What is a mobeesite category for ?
A category permits access to pop-up and signature options and can be accessed if you have subscibed to this option.
Optimize category management by organizing them by categories (client family, localization, event type, product...)
2Creating a mobeesite category
Click on "My categories" and then "Add a category".
3Changing a mobeesite category
Click on the "Change a category" icon at the bottom of the window.
4Deleting a mobeesite category
Click on the "Delete a category" icon at the bottom of the window.
5Moving a mobeesite to another category
Access your mobeesites and click on the "Associate to a category"icon at the bottom of the window. You can then select the category of your choice.
6Viewing a mobeesite category
Click on "My mobeesites" then on "My categories".