
Create a Freemium mobile app with it's QR-code

1Mobeesite structure
Your mobeesite is limited to a home page. Using the top right hand menu, choose your background. Add your logo. Click and drop up to 3 buttons onto the active freemium page. With a premium version you can go up to 6 pages with 6 buttons per page as well as access to the full range of button functions (excluding certain options). For your background you can choose a color or a background from the library.
2Change your buttons
Click on the button you dropped on the mobeesite, enter your text, choose a pictogram, the colors and enter the information linked to the button.
Name your button, fill in the phone number and choose a pictogram and the colors of your button. By puching this button, the mobinaut will call the number (the number will appear to the mobinaut).
4Content page
Each paragraph can have a title an image and text. The text can be modified (font size, colors, hypertext links...). You can create up to 3 paragraphs.
Enter the address into the form, the Google maps representation will show underneath, you can reposition the marker on the map for more precision. The mobinaut can geolocalize using the button.
Click and drop a vide button and simply associate the URL to your video. Your video must be available online befor you link it to the button (ex.: youtube, dailymotion, vimeo, blog, website,…). Don't forget that your video will be viewed on a mobile phone so make it short and to the point as well as responsive.
7social media
To insert a link towards your Facebook page for example, use the Facebook button. Name the button, choose the pictogram and colors. Copy/glue the URL address to your Facebook page in the corresponding field. For another social media, just rename the button and choose an adapted pictogram. To share your mobeesite, without having a Facebook page, use the FB Share button. Your logo will automatically be used as share image. You can add text which will be associated with your logo and cannot be changed by the user sharing on Facebook. User will be able to add their own comment independently in the post.
Just enter the URL towards the content. The mobinaut will be directed to the page immediately. Make sure that the content is responsive and easy to read on a mobile phone.
9Saving your mobeesite
Once your mobeesite is ready, click on "Save my mobeesite" at the bottom. You must register or possess an account to save. We recommend that you save regularly while editing your mobeesite...just in case.
10Publishing your mobeesite
Once you have created and saved your mobeesite, click on "Activate my mobeesite" to publish your mobeesite and generate your permanent QRcode and URL.